Wednesday, October 22, 2014

23/10/14 - Bucket List Remastered

So I realised my previous bucket list was pretty incomplete. There were a lot more stuff I wanted that I didn't list down because they were not on my mind at the moment. Read from 12 onwards if you've already read the previous one.
  1. Be famous on YouTube/Twitch. Have always wanted to start something there, perhaps vlogging, gaming or livestreaming. Nothing started yet because procrastination.
  2. Own a pickup truck, Mini Cooper and Volkswagen Beetle. Why not?
  3. Live in Australia for at least 2-3 years. Australia seems a wonderful place and I'm not settling down in one particular spot. I'm probably gonna explore the whole of Australia and stay in each spot for a month or two.
  4. Live in Colorado for at least 2-3 years. Same shit with Australia.
  5. Repeat with California.
  6. Probably settle down somewhere in Cali by the coast when I'm like 45-50. 
  7. Open a little cafe for people to relax and chill with a cup of coffee and maybe order some food if they are peckish when I retire.
  8. Learn to make my own coffee from beans and other drinks.
  9. Own a pet tortoise. I've always wanted to.
  10. ???
  11. Profit.
  12. Get a Tricorne. You know, those pirate hats.
  13. Own a full Assassin's outfit. Complete with functioning and usable hidden blade.
  14. Own a Vespa scooter. It's cute. Come on.
  15. Get a real fancy watch. One that is all elegant and fancy. Did I say fancy enough?
  16. Get a well fitting suit. So I can be fancy x1000.
  17. Get a pair of fancy leather shoes so I can be even more fancy.
  18. Road trip/Backpack across North America. See all them sights.
  19. Own a spear and shotgun one day. Because 'Murica.
  20. Refurbish my room. It's a complete and utter mess now. I plan to throw away this mattress, bed frame and end table in my room. Throw away the rubbish that my mum keeps in my room for whatever reason and get a wardrobe and sofa bed. Been wanting a sofa bed since forever holy shit. Maybe then I'll be motivated to keep my room clean.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

16/10/2014 - My take on "horror" and a bucket list.

Those who have gone on a few movie dates with me will know that I'm adamantly against watching "horror" films. Are the quotation marks necessary? Not really but I'm gonna leave them there. Now why am I against watching "horror" films(and this extends to playing "horror" games and going to "haunted houses")? Most of my friends would say it's because I'm scared of them. On the contrary, the truth is I am simply not intrigued by them at all. They don't scare me at all. And if you are gonna give me shit like "Oh but you flinched when so and so jump scare came up," I'm gonna just tell you to fuck off because it was merely a reflex reaction. If something suddenly jumps up into your face and you don't react to it, I'm gonna applaud and salute you because one day you will die from your lack of reaction to sudden "attacks". It was only a primal response that serves a very real purpose - our self preservation. But do I feel any actual fear? Chances are I didn't and I wouldn't.

Now what I really don't understand is the same people who love these "horror" films, games and "haunted houses" in my life are such massive pussies when it comes to scary places in real life. A dark corridor leading into almost nothing and the park at night. Oh don't talk about the supernatural and please can we turn on the lights on our phones. Come the fuck on, you seek the sensation of fear and when the chance for the greatest and deepest sensation of true fear presents itself, you pussy out like a baby. As for me, ever since that night walk on Pulau Ubin where I thought I saw all those figures resembling WWII soldiers in the aftermath of an engagement, tending wounded, laying dead or suffering from shell shock, just dazing into space and that one guy beckoning me in the forest path, nothing scares me any more because afterwards, I found out it was a trick on my mind and it was actually just light dancing off the leaves and my mind forming images out of nothing.

So now that that's done, I suppose we should get on with my bucket list, eh? Would take a while for me to list it out because I have never really given this much thought. In no particular order of importance:

  1. Be famous on YouTube/Twitch. Have always wanted to start something there, perhaps vlogging, gaming or livestreaming. Nothing started yet because procrastination.
  2. Own a pickup truck, Mini Cooper and Volkswagen Beetle. Why not?
  3. Live in Australia for at least 2-3 years. Australia seems a wonderful place and I'm not settling down in one particular spot. I'm probably gonna explore the whole of Australia and stay in each spot for a month or two.
  4. Live in Colorado for at least 2-3 years. Same shit with Australia.
  5. Repeat with California.
  6. Probably settle down somewhere in Cali by the coast when I'm like 45-50. 
  7. Open a little cafe for people to relax and chill with a cup of coffee and maybe order some food if they are peckish when I retire.
  8. Learn to make my own coffee from beans and other drinks.
  9. Own a pet tortoise. I've always wanted to.
  10. ???
  11. Profit.
Shittiest bucket list done.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

10/10/2014 - Everything that I should have talked about and recent news.

Took a long break from writing anything on the blog and perhaps I should have because I didn't have much I could say. Or was going to allow myself to put in the blog because it would have been a short sighted view of the matter.

So last week, caught up with my man Shao and met Ian's new girlfriend from his course who happen to be the bro's secondary school buddy. Coincidences on several levels. Went and watched round 2 of Cafe, Waiting, Love which was totally worth it because it's so damn funny and Ian cried.

Then left for KL with like 500 RM which turned out to be not enough. I'm a terribly huge spender and I am unfamiliar with the scale at which I'm spending money that is not in SGD. Didn't pick the right hotel. My room had duct taped the side of the door where the hinges were on and on the second night, the card failed to unlock the door at all. At least better than the girls'. Their room was leaking, for swapped for a smaller room and their door lock was faulty too. Well hot damn, yea?

One of our other top 3 hotels was right next to the one we picked and it was good. That one had brilliant food and looked pretty modern too. I'm willing to bet the amenities were better. The one we chose had great service though, and I had my first taste of a rain shower, fantastic.

Bought a ton of useless(maybe?) shit which included mostly shit from Daiso and the most expensive thing I bought was 2 books worth about 80RM each if I remember correctly. Robopocalypse and Robogenesis(this might be wrong). Read the first book from my first ex and the second book was a sequel released sometime after that. Yet to read them and thinking of doing so. Still got my Assassin's Creed books to read. Seems like all I ever do when I go overseas is buy fucking books. My mother wouldn't buy them for me. That's how I got my AC set, in Australia. And I bought 4 beanies. Don't judge, beanie is love, beanie is life.

My main aim of the trip was to unite bro and her BF and it was done. I've heard her mention before about how sad it was for her to observe other girls and their boyfriends together. Well now she's had her chance to do just that and she did. Touching, cute and beautiful. At the same time it only makes me even more jealous that others have someone who they can love and loves them while I have nothing. Something that I have never thought I would do was go up to some random stranger and hit on them for their number. Well to be honest I have yet to do it but I actually thought about doing it, which I had never done.

I have actually gotten over her and the fact that she ain't coming back. She's nothing more than the distant past now. Recently I found out she was playing DotA 2 and wanted to play with her, nothing more, since I don't have many people to play with. But she straight up ignored me and she's even got a mutual friend to unfriend me on Steam so that I wouldn't know when she's playing DotA 2 anymore. Wow. Probably enough that she didn't invite me to play but she actually did that and thought it would escape my notice? A bit too much overkill please. And she said we could be friends and she'd talk to me and what not. Turns out it's a steaming pile of horseshit when you peel back the gold paper cover. Granted I probably did something to piss her off, perhaps in one of my earlier blog posts but if I did, just say something, kick me in the balls even. Straight up ignoring is so immature because at the end of the day, nothing gets solved and I admit I've done it before. Didn't solve shit and I lost a friend for it. Still think about her a little but then it gets weird and I stop.

Just wanna find a girl who is willing to let me love her and love me in return. Damn near impossible by the looks of it. Fuck it, if I stay a virgin till I'm 30, I'll probably turn into a wizard so I got that going for me, which is nice.

So I actually meant to have this out before I leave for Thailand but I didn't have it completed yet so here I am typing this on night 2 of Thailand trip. So far been nice, I'm eating a lot and getting fat which will be great for getting my BMI above 18.5 again. Hopefully I can keep it that way. Also intending to use this trip to fix my sleep cycle and stop being nocturnal. Working so far. So far.

Planned to have loot pics but well I'm in Thailand now and I don't got my loot with me so fuck it. Suck with pictures anyway. Maybe the next post will be about my bucket list. Wait and see maybe.