Friday, March 25, 2016


Haven't blogged in ages just because but I'm back and I've got something to talk about. Palestine. Well not really Palestine but rather Muslims and Palestine. Recently a news site had published an article about an Israeli soldier who shot a subdued Palestinian who had stabbed another soldier. Now, I'm going to say first, I'm not anti-Muslim or antisemitic, or anti-anything. I just call things out the way it is. Recently the Palestinians have been stabbing people or driving over people with their cars. I don't care about that either, because it's not my issue. I'm also not going to judge the soldier who shot the man, because I don't know him. He could just really hate the Palestinians or maybe he was infuriated by the man because he stabbed his best friend. Who knows?

What I really wanted to talk about is the Muslims who have been calling the Israelis "Zionist terrorists", and accusing them of genocide and illegally occupying the land that hold. Well if you really wanted to blame someone, you'd have to blame the Brits, who promised the land to Zionists, the Palestinians themselves and a third party for help in taking down the Ottoman empire. Then when the UN was formed, the Brits promptly dumped this issue onto them, who decided to give the land to the Zionists. So in other words, they are not illegally occupying the land. Nor that of the Sinai Peninsula and part of the Golan Heights because it was Egypt, Jordan and Syria who invaded them first and they came to possess those areas in their counteroffensive. And honestly, given the battle record of the IDF, it really wouldn't take that long for them to completely wipe out the Palestinians if they really wanted to.

So as I was saying, these Muslims that are supporting the Palestinians are only doing it because of Palestinian Muslims. Now, Palestine is a large place and historically has been populated by people of many religions, particularly Islam and Christianity. So what does that mean? There are Christian Palestinians (and Palestinians of other religions as well). So what else does that mean? Those Muslims that have been supporting Palestine are actually hypocrites. They aren't supporting Palestinians because it's a crime against humanity or that they sympathise with their struggle and what not, it's merely because of the fact that most Palestinians are Muslim. If Palestinians had been overwhelmingly Christian instead of Muslim (or really any other religion), I bet you my ass that none of them would be supporting the Palestinian cause. And seriously, some of them actually condone the stabbing, yet they condemn the shooting. Shouldn't you be condemning both?

And before I end off, Hamas isn't exactly a white knight either, they've used ambulances as troop transport and purposefully placed rocket batteries in civilian areas and also target civilian areas with those same rockets. They also put their headquarters and such in civilian areas, using them as human shields. So really, you can't expect me to sympathise with them either. I would also like to reiterate that I am not anti-Muslim, I'm just calling some of them out on their hypocrisy. That is all.