A long overdue update of my oh so ordinary life perhaps. Had my exams two weeks ago, don't really have much to say about it other than I fucked up my math paper so good. It's gonna be a tough semester. I'm a little disappointed to say that I've lost any sort of drive to work harder. I just want to take things easy and enjoy life's minutiae. Gotta go as slow as you can go fast right? Perhaps slowing down too much, I can feel myself getting dumber, and I do mean it. I just can't seem to be as on the ball anymore. Regardless, I shall just stop boring you with my self reflection and get to what I actually want to talk about.
So I've recently come to realise that I absolutely detest clingwrap. It's not the way it feels or looks etc but rather the way it works. It's literally a roll of plastic that you just use and throw away. It's downright disposable, there's nothing about it that's reusable or permanent (other than that it stays in the environment forever) in any way. And to my knowledge you can't recycle it, not that it would be easy, given that there's usually food substances on it. And it's made me realise something too. I'm inspired to live in a way that is less impactful. In the sense that I don't want to have stuff that will be around long after I'm gone. I recently watched this documentary on Japanese carpentry, where there's an art of building things purely from wood, no metal involved. It's so zen, vague description, I know, but it's the only way I can put it. Realistically, there was no way I could possibly live a zero waste life. I'm aware I lack the fortitude for such an undertaking but that doesn't mean I can't minimise my waste.
So that's really all I have to say. I'm interested in writing a few shorts, but I'm lacking the conviction to carry through with it so if you actually want to see them, just let me know and I'll try to find the strength to do it.