Monday, July 20, 2015

My Ideal Humanity

So recently I had a discussion with my friends from secondary school about some pretty philosophical shit at a shopping centre up on the roof. Sitting in the night sky was Jupiter and Venus, and indeed it was incredibly sad that no one else noticed them or was watching them. Over the 2 weeks that we were up there, they were moving further and further apart and it was a little saddening to see that.

So we had a discussion on the human brain and various aspects of humanity. This reminded me of a long standing thought I had on humanity. So here's my idea of the perfect mankind and whether I think it's possible and why or why not. Take this with a pinch of salt though, it's my idea of the ideal humanity but it might not be yours and that's alright, you are entitled to what your own thoughts might be.

So here's my idea of the perfect humanity, part of it you might recognise from my previous blog. Imagine that humanity has transcended the idea of "self" and there is no more conflict any where in the world. That humanity has decided as a whole to come together and solve all of humanity's problems, world hunger, poverty, war, crime, terrorism. Everybody adopts this new religion of exploration while not dropping their previous one, be it Atheism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, what have you. In their own way they tie their new religion of exploration to their own.
Now what do I mean by exploration? Well, anything really. It's only defined by the individual. For some it could mean becoming a marine scientist and exploring the oceans. To others, space is the next frontier. To the less otherworldly inclined people, it could just mean exploring their own limits, what they're capable of. Anything and everything is possible to be explored.

But that's not all, it's not just humanity's problems that we'd solve, we'd solve all of Earth's problems as well, reverse deforestation, cleanse the oceans, fix the food chains. Return Earth to the best state it could go back to before humans fucked it all up.

Aside from that, a world under one flag. The abolishment of countries, the idea of race and class. All humans on equal footing. When asked by an extra terrestrial our homeland, we'd reply with Earth, when asked our race, we'd reply human, not I'm a Chinese from China. A borderless Earth, where we would only have one flag that we rally with, our identity to any extra terrestrial to visit Earth. Where we'd have a combined effort to go beyond what is capable alone. Granted there'll be lack of competition but as long as there's the drive to challenge humanity itself, there's no place we can't reach. Well of course there has to be a way of identifying land masses, so it's likely to be more possible that the land is separated into provinces and we could tell other humans we hail from so and so province but when we introduce ourselves to aliens, we'd use Earth as our home.

Simply put, it's just communism as it was meant to be, as a friend of mine said. It probably is too, but in my opinion, it's not possible at the moment simply because of human nature. Not everyone would share this ideology and should one such person have a great enough ambition, he would surely seek domination over others. It's nothing short of expected, it's why we had kings and emperors in the past. It's something we can see in our cousins the Great Apes. Every chimpanzee troop has an alpha male who absolutely dominates over every other male and it is within their nature to seek to usurp the alpha and become the top dog. Such an instinct is in humans as well and it would take a great deal of enlightenment to overcome it. But it's not impossible, I believe a day will come when humans will unite in such a way to reach greater heights than we've ever achieved.

Again, this is another unlikely task as humanity's greed is far too great, as highlighted by the shining, I mean smoggy, example of China, who has forsaken its environment for rapid economic growth. It is highly unlikely that China would willingly cease it pollution and seek to reverse the damage it has wrought upon its own lands.

And I highly doubt it's possible for humans to be able to abandon their flag for a new one representing all humanity. Again like the chimpanzees, humans are highly territorial. It would be highly unlikely that humans would willingly give up their land to all of humanity. But again, I think it's not an impossible achievement.

So that's my thoughts on what the ideal humanity would be like, it's unlikely to happen in the span of a century, maybe even two. But I have a dream, as did Martin Luther King Jr., that this would eventually happen and allow humans to reach greater heights than ever before. As said by a scientist on the New Horizons project,

"We are capable of continuing an adventure that humanity began a hundred thousand years ago as our ancestors walked out of Africa, and we are continuing that exploration and this country is at the forefront of it."

Well I'd look forward to the day where it's humanity, and not just America that's at the forefront of it.

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