Saturday, July 11, 2015


It's been almost 3 weeks since I last blogged so hello, welcome back me. Anyway, I just kinda felt like talking about my perfectionism. Well I wouldn't really call it perfectionism but more of pedantry, nitpicking of really minor details, which I guess is in an effort to make things perfect? So calling it perfectionism is probably a better choice.

I'm a really critical person, if I see something wrong, I'll tell you about it whether you like it or not.  I am known to be quite an asshole by many people who know me because of this reason. I think I've been trying to tone it down for the past couple years but whenever I see something that's not right that easily should have been, I just can't hold it in you know. Kinda seems like I'm out of topic here but just listen and maybe you might understand. You see, my perfectionism is overflowing. That's the only way I know how to describe it. In the sense that I not only nitpick my own work, I nitpick the work of others, sometimes I act on it and try to tell them what's wrong but most of the time I don't. (And I only nitpick stuff I know I'm good at, if I don't know something I won't try and correct you about that.) That's not a really nice thing to do and usually people don't see why I'm so anal about it but the way I see it, if you can do it right, you should do it right. If it's not right, you should make it so. Thing is, not everyone thinks so.

There's this really pervasive view in society that good enough is good enough. Or nonchalance I guess. 
"Oh, I did it, I can't really be bothered if it's done well or not, I did it and that's good enough." 
Well here's what, it's not fucking good enough. There's an example I could use, there's a medical procedure where they stick a needle into your vein that leads straight to your heart that is used for various medical procedures. But problem with that is if that needle is infected, the infection goes right to your heart and spreads quick as fuck through your whole body and yea, for a person that already needs a needle in their veins so that some medicines can be administered faster, that's not really desirable. When this happens it's called a central line infection. Some hospitals go apeshit and start reviewing policies, making new ones and doing everything they can to prevent it from happening again. Now, isn't that good? But then there are hospitals that are just "Eh, shit happens." And don't do shit about it. In reality, such infections can be easily, very very easily prevented with proper protocols and what not. (Go check out the video where Vox talks about this.) Now, imagine if nearly everyone is like that and you'll see what I see.

Allow me to use an example from school. Before the term break, there was an assignment to be submitted and my classmate hadn't done it yet so he was doing it in class. And there where a boatload of errors and fallacies. Didn't use common sense to think about what is required and just writing everything down because well, it's gotta be right eh(no it's not)? Not answering the question and by the gods, English that would kill a man. If a doctor wrote instructions for nurses using his English, people will die. And given that we are studying to be Engineers, ENGINEERS FOR CRYING OUT LOUD, it is imperative that we have good English. We are meant to better the lives of people by coming up with solutions, inventions that can save time, money and lives. If you can't use English for shit to properly communicate your idea and it gets interpreted wrongly, people can die. Fucking die, you hear me? And it's just plain easier to read and understand if it is correct instead of broken to shit English, undefined parameters and vague properties. If I ask you how expensive something is and you answer, "Price," it doesn't answer a fucking thing, what the fuck is that supposed to mean? And then, I shit you not, he made this comment,
"Dude, it's just English, who cares?"
What the serious fuck. You know who cares? The person who is lying in a hospital because you couldn't be bothered to be precise and detailed. The person's family who lost a father or a mother, or a brother or sister, a son or daughter because YOU can't fucking be bothered to write in understandable and good English, something was executed wrongly and he/she FUCKING DIED. And who else cares? YOUR FUCKING BOSS BECAUSE HE IS GETTING SUED FOR YOUR NONCHALANCE TO DETAIL AND PRECISION. BECAUSE YOU CAN'T FUCKING BE BOTHERED TO MAKE SURE YOU ARE CORRECT.

This same person was in my group project, and boy he fucked up big time. Out of the 4 people, his work was the worst. Terrible English, fucking wrong protocols and he had the fucking gall to say
"Dude, I only spent one hour doing it in class."
*Insert slow clapping.* WHAT. THE. FUCK. Every fucking night he's playing CS:GO, didn't even fucking start his work and he told us he fell asleep doing it. And he fucking owned himself, exactly because he only spent one hour doing his work, it's fucking SHIT. Seriously, why the fuck do I even have to tell him that. He didn't even fucking check his work. And soon after he was nitpicking on the fact that people put a full stop in the rating section of the table.

Namely this:
Seriously, it's a fucking full stop. At least their work is correct.

His work:

When I told him his work is shit, he told me "Lose grades lor, never mind what." Yea, lose grades, of course he would, but this is a group work and so would the other group members and I. After that, his work isn't even correct and he wants to nitpick other people's work because it was an eyesore. Fuck me, reading his work is like reading the Elder Scrolls, it's fucking making me lose my eyesight. And then he wanted to talk shit about how it wasn't "Minor Moderate Major" and people put "Low Moderate and Severe" instead(I was supposed to make the final edits to make it so that it was MMM instead of LMS). I honestly do not see how that is not the same meaning and people can mistake the magnitudes. Because high doesn't mean of a great magnitude, it means minor magnitude. Fucking dumbest shit I've ever been exposed to. I didn't have the time to make changes to things that aren't necessarily wrong. He even fucking tried to rebut me with my own point that it will cause us to lose grades as well but seriously, what we wrote was still correct at least. His isn't even fucking remotely close.

I have digressed really far into a rant, point is, people don't put in any effort into their work at all and just don't bother. They lack the drive to want to make their work the best and I see this in almost everyone. And it really pisses me off, the repercussions of such an attitude is often not felt just by the person with such an attitude(not that he would care anyway) alone, but by those around him as well. Why should others have to suffer because one guy can't give a fucking shit.

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