Sunday, November 29, 2015


It's going to be another rant, I've done enough of these here, you might know what this is already about before I get down to the meat and bones of it. I've done one on this before, after all. I've been here in my course for more than a semester already, I've got a kinda good grasp on the kind of people in my class. That said, I've not worked with all of them, so I can't say if so and so is this kind of person for sure. But for sure, I can tell you that I don't know what some people are doing in an Engineering course. Or anything Science related for that matter. I won't say names, but you might already know who these people are.

It's this pervasive idea of close enough. Like when I ask for you to throw a basketball through the hoop, you hit the pole holding up the board and hoop and say, "I did what you wanted." Like fuck you didn't. Not even close. Even if you did hit the board, that's still not what was requested. I've seen it in the way they do work, or even behave. They just can't be bothered to do things the way that's requested or even try to do it that way.

I was sitting in computer programming tutorial, the question was to fill out the part required and not the whole code and the guy sitting next to me hadn't finished it by the time the teacher went through the question. Why? Because he was wasting his own time, writing out the whole code in the name of "practice". Jesus fucking Christ, the start of the whole code so far has only changed one time, which was to add <math.h>, it's been the exact same otherwise and you need to "practice" that shit? I mean if you could write out the whole thing in the allotted time, good for you, but if you can't do that and can't even reach the part that we need to go through at least, then don't fucking bother, you're not helping yourself. You won't even know if you can do the part that the question was asking for because you didn't even reach it.

And only just now, I was chastised for being obsessed with detail. Well I kinda was back in DGAD but they called it "straight" (as opposed to flexible, not the sexuality connotation of it), which is supposed to be a bad thing. I mean I get it, you should be flexible sometimes, a bridge has to flex or it'll snap. But can you imagine the pillar holding the bridge up flexing? The longevity of that bridge is questionable. Sometimes, you've got to be straight too, especially when one's an engineer or a scientist.

Seriously, just think about it. If you have a penchant for doing things your own way or "close enough", then fuck off and go do art or something where blueprints don't exist. The things you create/work on are going to be used by people. Can you imagine if the engineer designing the engine in your car said," Well it doesn't matter if this here piston doesn't fit well. The car'll still run." And you drive your car with that engine in it and it suddenly fails you on the highway and you get a runaway engine that drives you right off a cliff, because the engineer that designed the steel barrier for that bend said it would be fine if they use a weaker steel, where if it was actually built to spec, would have saved your life. Magnify that a hundred times and you get a ship sinking because the designer didn't bother to find out if a smaller rivet used in the ship's panels would cause it to fail or not. And the lives of the hundreds of people on that ship.

Peace out.

Sunday, November 22, 2015


Well turns out I think I remembered what I wanted to talk about. So here we go again~

I don't know when I had this shift in mindset, I can't pinpoint an exact time and say, "Here, this is the moment that I changed." I can say that it's about last year that it happened. So I'm 18 already. Statistically, the average male lives to about 80. I've lived nearly a quarter of my life. I've only got about 3 quarters of it left if I don't do something stupid. I won't say it was the best quarter, plenty of shit happened but from that shit also came flecks of gold called life lessons, so it wasn't all for the worst. And gradually I've just come to not be annoyed at people who call me names, who insult me, generally people who want to shit on my life. If anything, there's pity for them, that they'd have to stoop so low to try and hurt my feelings even though it doesn't work. Part of this is also probably because I've gained this ability to cut toxic people out of my life without batting an eyelid (but doesn't mean that just because we were cut off you were toxic), probably helps with not being affected by being insulted. And now that I'm thinking about it, it seems a little psychopathic to be honest, to have no sentiment for such things and being able to cavalierly cut off people like that.

Another part of it, a bigger part I figured as a part of my sudden realisation that I have grown up over the past year, is that I've lived a full 18 years, well a little over now. But I've lived 18 years. I got 62 left and hell, I'll be damned if I let anyone shit on the rest of that 62 years. I am determined to be generally satisfied with my life and there's no room for people who want to shit on me in that 62 years. If we ain't good for each other then I'm not gonna bother with you. You feel me? You only got so much time in this world, you don't got time to be sad, to be insulted, to be shit on by lesser people. That time is for you to live, to learn, to love, be loved. I'm not saying shit won't happen or you should shut out people who shit on you but mean well, shit's going to happen, it's life and they shit on you because they love you. That's fine. I'm talking about the toxic ones, the ones who shit on you for the sole purpose of shitting on you, to make themselves feel good. They're not worthy of being in your life so just cut them off as you would a cancer tumour.

As Hailee Steinfeld says,

"I love me, gonna love myself."


So what up, who the fuck actually still reads my blogs? To whoever's been reading this crappy collection of shitty writing all this time, congratulations for being such a loser. You really should reconsider your reading choices.

So I kinda felt like I ought to talk about something that was mentioned to me one time by my first ex. Also the first time I had any real interaction with any female, didn't have any really close female friends prior and you know, kinda was a disaster. So anyway one time, she said that I have this stare. She didn't describe it with a word, I asked if she thought it was rapey or intense but she she said it was as if I was studying everything about her. Which is actually kinda rapey if you think about it. I never actually realised up until the point she mentioned it how much I actually notice when I look at stuff. I always figured everyone had a keen eye for detail, which I guess isn't true.

That's really all I have to say. I actually had another topic I wanted to talk about but I totally can't remember it, so you'll have to settle for this.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015


So with Da'esh taking large swathes of land in the Levant region, plenty of Kurds, Syrians and Iraqis have been forced out of their homes, faced with the threat of death. They've gone to places like Hungary, who have turned them back and many look to Europe for refuge. In this whole fiasco, plenty of other nationalities have been taking advantage of the situation to seek economic refuge. They tear up their passports and other identification, take a dangerous journey across the Mediterranean and land themselves in Italy, ground zero for their eventual journey to Swedistan or Deutschistan (Sweden and Germany, among other countries commonly sought after by "asylum seekers").

Honestly my personal opinion is this: fuck all these people. Don't get me wrong, really, if you're getting rekt by some political issue in your country, like maybe you're an Afghani escaping the Taliban or a Syrian from Aleppo, Raqqah or a Kurd from Kobaniye trying to escape from Da'esh with your whole family, that's cool. (I've seen a story of a teen escaping Syria because he didn't want to be conscripted, IMO that's unacceptable) But if you're an economic refugee, that's not cool. Your entire country is in economic shambles, what gives you the right to escape it simply because you made this arduous journey from your country? Hell no, deport these fucks I say. And even for the refugees of the former kind, they should be deported the moment their country is deemed safe enough for them to be returned. It is absurd that suddenly, these people manage to get a free pass because some shitty shit happened to them. Think about it, it shouldn't be easier for a poor Syrian with no education qualifications, no contacts, no knowledge in German or German culture or anything else that would be deemed beneficial to the German society to become a German citizen compared to say maybe a wealthy Chinese business man with decent enough German and several stakes in multiple German companies.

So that's just my 2 cents, it is fine to accept refugees of the non-economic kind, but only for as long as they are safer here than they would in their home country. They shouldn't be allowed to remain for longer than that and continue to be a leech to the host nation's taxpayers. Hell, remember that refugee that I mentioned earlier from Syria? While awaiting his asylum acceptance, he was given an allowance. For free. FREE. He didn't have to do community service, help produce some trinkets for sale, absolutely nothing that contributes to the German economy. And then he got to tour Germany on German taxpayer's money. The government paid him to tour the nation and generally do nothing. Absurd, I say. Absolutely absurd. Now think about it, this multiplied by hundreds of thousands of refugees? That's hospitals, roads, subsidies, scholarships and what not that instead of going to the German people, goes to these refugees that are here for the fun instead. Unacceptable.