Wednesday, November 4, 2015


So with Da'esh taking large swathes of land in the Levant region, plenty of Kurds, Syrians and Iraqis have been forced out of their homes, faced with the threat of death. They've gone to places like Hungary, who have turned them back and many look to Europe for refuge. In this whole fiasco, plenty of other nationalities have been taking advantage of the situation to seek economic refuge. They tear up their passports and other identification, take a dangerous journey across the Mediterranean and land themselves in Italy, ground zero for their eventual journey to Swedistan or Deutschistan (Sweden and Germany, among other countries commonly sought after by "asylum seekers").

Honestly my personal opinion is this: fuck all these people. Don't get me wrong, really, if you're getting rekt by some political issue in your country, like maybe you're an Afghani escaping the Taliban or a Syrian from Aleppo, Raqqah or a Kurd from Kobaniye trying to escape from Da'esh with your whole family, that's cool. (I've seen a story of a teen escaping Syria because he didn't want to be conscripted, IMO that's unacceptable) But if you're an economic refugee, that's not cool. Your entire country is in economic shambles, what gives you the right to escape it simply because you made this arduous journey from your country? Hell no, deport these fucks I say. And even for the refugees of the former kind, they should be deported the moment their country is deemed safe enough for them to be returned. It is absurd that suddenly, these people manage to get a free pass because some shitty shit happened to them. Think about it, it shouldn't be easier for a poor Syrian with no education qualifications, no contacts, no knowledge in German or German culture or anything else that would be deemed beneficial to the German society to become a German citizen compared to say maybe a wealthy Chinese business man with decent enough German and several stakes in multiple German companies.

So that's just my 2 cents, it is fine to accept refugees of the non-economic kind, but only for as long as they are safer here than they would in their home country. They shouldn't be allowed to remain for longer than that and continue to be a leech to the host nation's taxpayers. Hell, remember that refugee that I mentioned earlier from Syria? While awaiting his asylum acceptance, he was given an allowance. For free. FREE. He didn't have to do community service, help produce some trinkets for sale, absolutely nothing that contributes to the German economy. And then he got to tour Germany on German taxpayer's money. The government paid him to tour the nation and generally do nothing. Absurd, I say. Absolutely absurd. Now think about it, this multiplied by hundreds of thousands of refugees? That's hospitals, roads, subsidies, scholarships and what not that instead of going to the German people, goes to these refugees that are here for the fun instead. Unacceptable.

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